CT State Law requires that all dogs six months or older be licensed.
The following is needed in order to obtain a license:
Certificate of Rabies Vaccination
Certificate of neutering or spaying (unless already on file in the Town Clerk's Office)
Check made payable to : Town Clerk of Prospect
If you wish to pay by mail, please send the following:
Self-addressed stamped envelope
Fee & Copy of dog license notice
Updated rabies certificate
Certificate of neautering or spaying (if applicable).
$19 for unneutered male or unspayed female
$8 for neutered male or spayed female

Roaming Dogs Cause Problems
It has been to the office's attention that in many neighborhoods around town, there is a roaming dog problem. As responsible citizens, we all need to follow the law.
When dogs are caught roaming, it is the responsibility of the Animal Control Officer to secure your dog and remove it to the pound. In order to release the animal back to its owners, there is a $92 charge. The best thing that any dog owner can do is to make sure that your pet is secured within a fence, either invisible or gated and on-leash when walking your pet.
Another situation that owners need to consider is keeping a barking dog indoors beyond a certain point in the evening. Try to take measures to make your neighborhood a happy one by bringing your dog inside.
Dog licenses are due during the month of June each year. If you have forgotten to get a license or you have a new dog entering your home, make sure you haven an up-to-date rabies certificate and take that to the Town Clerk's office in order to obtain a valid license for your dog. And it is also important to keep the tag on your pet's collar. If ever your pet does get loose, the tag will help us find the rightful owner.
Also, please remember all dogs at Hotchkiss Field must be on a leash and owners need to put up any droppings that the pet leaves. There are many other walkers, runners and children in the field and it is extremely important to be a responsible pet owner and not leave anything behind. It is not illegal, but it is very inconsiderate.
Pet owners should also know that every animal needs a rabies shot...THAT IS THE LAW. If you are short on funds, there are various rabies clinics held throughout the area. You can contact your veterinarain to see if any of these clinics are scheduled in the area that you can take your pet to that would be at a much reduced rate.