Mission Statement
"The mission of the Prospect Fire Marshal's Office is to reduce the economic and human losses associated with fire through public and school education, fire code enforcement, and fire cause investigation."

About Us
The Fire Marshal's Office is a division of the Town of Prospect. The Office handles public fire safety education, fire code plan review, fire code enforcement, and fire origin and cause investigation.
Fire Marshal Role
It is the mission of the Fire Marshal’s Office to prevent and/or reduce the incidence of fire by increasing the awareness and knowledge of the residents and businesses respecting fire safety, and by ensuring compliance with Chapter 541 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the regulations and policies set forth by the Connecticut Office of the State Fire Marshal the Connecticut Fire Safety Code and all applicable NFPA regulations. This mission will be accomplished through fire prevention education, fire investigations and yearly compliance inspections.
The Office of the Prospect Fire Marshal consists of a part-time Fire Marshal, three deputy Fire Marshals and an administrative assistant. Our staff in charged performs duties of which are mandated by the Connecticut General Statutes. These duties include yearly inspections of all properties, with the exception of one and two-family homes. The Fire Marshal is required to perform investigations as they pertain to the origin and cause of fires that are in the Town of Prospect.
Our staff is mandated to issue permits for hazardous operations, which include but are not limited to the installation of a permanent propane tank and piping, heating fuel storage tanks, gasoline and diesel fuel storage tanks, blasting permits, cold sparklers and commercial fireworks displays. In addition to these mandated functions, the Fire Marshal’s Office staff offers public fire prevention education programs to all who request a presentation. We especially love working with our town schools, teaching our students about fire prevention and we always look forward to Fire Prevention Month in October.
Our staff attend many hours of training each year. Training courses include the latest Fire Safety Code theories and the latest building construction procedures; as well as fire investigation courses, fire protection systems, and many other subjects. The courses attended are in various locations throughout the State. Fire Marshals and Deputy Fire Marshals are required to complete 90 hours of training over three-year cycles to maintain their certification. Training that is mandated is for all positions in the fields of fire prevention, hazardous materials operations and processes, and proper fire investigation procedures per year to maintain certification through the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety.

Contact Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 2:00pm
Fire Marshal
Mark Goletz
Deputy Fire Marshal
Ben DelMonico
Mailing Address:
ATTN: Prospect Fire Marshal
36 Center ST.
Prospect, CT 06712

The Prospect Fire Marshal's Office enforces the requirements of the Connecticut State Fire Safety Code, as well as NFPA fire codes:
International Fire Code (2021 Edition): for NEW Construction and Alterations to existing buildings.
NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code (2021 Edition): for Existing Buildings
NFPA 1 – Life Safety Code (2021 Edition): for ALL Buildings: Processes, Activities, & Hazardous Materials.
Please note that the 2022 Connecticut State Fire Safety Code contains amendments, additions, and deletions to the model codes. These amendments are specific to the State of Connecticut and can be downloaded from the state website link below:
Fire Safety Code inspections are required in all commercial properties and all residential occupancies with the exception of single and two-family homes.
The following is a list of some Basic Fire Code requirements.
- Documentation showing fire alarm system testing and servicing shall be provided. Fire alarm systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 requirements.
- Documentation showing sprinkler system testing and servicing shall be provided. Sprinkler systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 25 requirements.
- All exit signs shall be properly illuminated.
- All batteries for backup power shall be fully functional.
- All fire extinguishers require annual service and shall have current year inspection tags attached at all times.
- All fire extinguishers shall be properly wall-mounted.
- All emergency lights shall be in proper working order.
- All emergency lights shall be tested once a month for 30 seconds and once a year for 90 minutes. Documentation of testing shall be kept on premise.
- All exit doors and access to said doors shall be kept clear and free of all obstructions.
- All exit doors shall be free of deadbolts, slide bolts and padlocks. Only one locking mechanism is permitted per door.
- Provide documentation for semi-annual hood and duct cleaning. Hood and duct maintenance shall be in accordance with NFPA 96 requirements.
- Provide documentation that fire suppression systems have been tested and serviced every six months as required by NFPA 17 & 17A standards.
Requests, Reports and / or Documents
Fire Incident Reports
A copy of any fire incident report for a fire or other emergency that is no longer subject to investigation can be requested by the public from the Fire Marshal. In accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, fire department incident reports shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal within ten (10) days of the event. As such, requests for reports should not be submitted to the Fire Marshal for review until the ten (10) day period has expired. There is a cost associated with obtaining an incident report. The cost is $.50 per copied page.
Fire Investigation Reports
Fire investigation reports generated by the Fire Marshal's Office is not subject to the statute 10-day period, as investigations could be lengthy and time consuming. Requests can be submitted, but reports will not be provided until such time that the investigation is complete. A formal request for investigation reports must be submitted to the Fire Marshal's Office. Fees associated with obtaining an investigation report are $.50 per copied page and $1.00 per photo printed.
Fire Inspection Reports
The Fire Marshal's Office does numerous fire code inspections throughout the year. Occupants, as well as property owners, receive official reports indicating the conditions that were found averse to the State Fire and Life Safety Code, the State Fire Prevention Code, and all applicable standards. Upon receipt of the Abatement of Hazardous Conditions notice, occupants or parties having control of the property have thirty (30) days to complete corrective actions. Upon expiration of the 30 days, the Fire Marshal will cause a re-inspection to ensure all violations have been abated (corrected).
Many times, a request for a report showing any outstanding violations for a property will be requested when a property changes management or is in the process of being sold. Requests for said report can be requested from the Fire Marshal's Office. The cost for paper copies is $.50 per page.
How to Request a Report
Requests for report shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal, and must be in writing. Such request can be faxed to the Fire Marshal's Office at (203) 758-7274 to the attention of Fire Marshal, or you can email your request to FireMarshal@townofprospect.org. Please remember that your request will be processed as quickly as possible, but that it may take days to complete due to the large workload in the Fire Marshal's Office.
Fire Safety Education
Fire Prevention Poster Contest
The purpose of the Fire Prevention Poster contest is to make school children and their families aware that preventing fires requires everyone being alert everyday to those acts, omissions, and dangers which cause fires, and to develop an interest in fire prevention/fire safety through a poster recognition program for the fourth and fifth grade students, and to promote a joint education effort between schools and the fire services. For requirements, dates, deadlines, and more please click the link below.