CEQ Notice: The December 3, 2024, edition of the Environmental Monitor has been published. It can be viewed at: portal.ct.gov/CEQ_Environmental_Monitor and is available in the town clerk’s office. The Environmental Monitor provides notice of proposed state actions, including transfers of state-owned land. In it are electronic links to additional information about the projects and instructions on how to submit comments. In this edition: Bridgeport, Hartford, Middletown, Newington, and Wethersfield. The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on December 17, 2024. Town Clerk Notice: the Town Clerk’s Office will be opening at 9:30 am on Wednesday December 4th, 2024. Road Closing Notice: Town of Prospect Residents,Summit rd. will be closed to traffic on Dec 3rd through Dec 5th from 7:00am to 5:00pm, weather Permitting. There will be access from the intersection of Juggernaut + Summit Rd. to Royal Crest Dr. From the intersection of RT 69 to Summit Rd., there will be access to 54 Summit Rd. The road will be open to school buses and emergency vehicles. Thank you for your patience.