Please remember social distancing and hand washing.
- Important Information about your Tax Bill January 2021
- Tax Deferment Resolution
- Landlord Deferment Application 2021
As information becomes available, we will continue to keep the residents of Prospect updated as this is a very fluid situation currently. If you have questions, please contact the Town Hall at (203) 758-4461.
Reminder that the Community Center, Senior Center and Library remain closed. Town Offices have been closed to the public, HOWEVER, employees are working Monday through Friday until 8:30 AM to 4 PM and are available by phone and email to answer questions and help you to the best of their abilities. Please discuss your needs with the specific office you would like to do business with.
Updates will be posted throughout the month based upon the pandemic situation.
Please remember there are also online services available on the Town of Prospect website. We encourage everyone to utilize these services if applicable.
All boards and commissions will continue to meet virtually until further notice. Call in information is included on the Posted Agendas. Questions and correspondence can be sent electronically to the following email addresses:
Planning and Zoning -
Inland Wetlands -
Zoning Board of Appeals -
Town Council -
Minutes, Agendas and all other correspondence can be sent to
NOTE: There are submission deadlines for all boards and commissions. Please check with the individual board or commission for deadline submission. All agendas must be filed with the Town Clerk's office at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Please keep in mind that orders from the Governor's Office continue to change as this pandemic continues to change. Please check for updates often to ensure you have all the information we can provide.
We will continue to update you as best as possible as this situation continues. Thank you for your patience and understanding and please do not hesitate to call the Town Hall with questions, (203) 758-4461.
Helpful Resources and Information
- Tax Office Precautionary Measures Update for January 2021
- Inland Wetland Commission Submission Deadlines
- Assessor's Office Update
- Town of Prospect Coronavirus Updates
- President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines
- State of Connecticut Coronavirus Updates
- FAQ's on State of Connecticut Response
- Center for Disease and Prevention Control
- Chesprocott Health District