The Prospect Planning & Zoning Commission does hereby give notice that it has established a Public Notice Registry pursuant to Public Act 06-80. Landowners and Electors of the Town of Prospect, as well as Non-Profit Organizations may request to be placed on the Registry. Those placed on the Registry will be entitled to receive advance notice by mail or by electronic mail of Public Hearings associated with any changes in Zoning or Subdivision Regulations, zoning designations or boundaries, or any amendment to the Plan of Conservation and Development that are initiated by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The requirements in Public Act 06-80 do not apply to the Inland Wetlands Commission. The Public Notice Registry is for those changes initiated by the Planning & Zoning Commission only. All other proposed zoning-related changes or amendments that are initiated by the public through normal application procedures are not included in the Public Notice Registry. For further information, please contact the Land Use Office in the Prospect Town Hall, 36 Center Street at (203) 758-4461 or if you would like to be added to the list, please send an email to