Town Clerk

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deed or mortgage, is recorded under your name. Documents can be viewed online or at
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Mission Statement

The Office of the Town Clerk serves the public through the provision of public records, vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages) and general information.  It is the intent of this office to uphold the integrity of historic public documents and to assist the public at accessing their present and past personal information.

The Town Clerk’s Office is committed to providing quality services and information to the residents of Prospect and to ensure the office operates in an innovative and efficient manner.

This office works in cooperation with town boards and commissions and maintains permanent meeting minutes for all meetings held.  Licensing for marriage licenses, death certificates and birth certificates are also handled in this office.  The Town Clerk’s Office also implements and maintains yearly dog licensing for Prospect.  Copies of personal records can be obtained from the Clerk’s Office as well.

Cash or check are the only acceptable forms of payment.
Credit cards are not accepted.

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Town Clerk
Michelle Lisowski

(203) 758-4461
Town Clerk Email

Assistant Town Clerk
Wendy Boroski
(203) 758-4461
Town Clerk Office Email

Mailing Address:
Attn: Town Clerk Office
Prospect Town Hall
36 Center St.
Prospect, CT 06712

Vital Statistics

The following information explains the accessibility of vital records, specifically birth, death and marriage records:

  1. Birth Records more than 100 years old :
    • Any person
  2. Birth Records less than 100 years old:
    • Person who is the subject of the birth certificate
    • Parent or Guardian or Grandparent, if a minor
    • Spouse or Children; Grandchildren will be able to obtain a certified copy of their grandparent's birth certificate.
    • Chief Elected Official of Municipality or Agent
    • Local Health Director
    • Attorneys
    • Title Examiners
    • Members of Incorporated Genealogical Societies or Societies Authorized to Conduct Business in Connecticut
    • Persons Authorized by Court Order
    • State or Federal Agency Authorized by State Commissioner of Public Health
  3. Marriage Records:
    • Any person, documents subject to the Freedom of Information Act
    • Copies of marriage certificates that include the spouse’s social security numbers will only be issued to the parties to the marriage.
  4. Death Records: 
    • If you need a copy of the death certificate with the social security number on the certificate, you will need to provide proof of identity and proof of the relationship that allows you to obtain the death certificate with the social security number.

Documentation Required for a copy of or access to Birth Certificates
  • Anyone requesting a copy of, either in person or by mail, or access to or permission to examine the original or any copy of the birth certificate or birth registrar shall provide documentation proving that such person is entitled to a copy of or access to birth certificates.
  • The person whose birth is recorded, if over eighteen (18) years of age, or that person's guardian if that person is a minor shall submit a photographic identification. Should a photographic identification be unavailable, originals or photocopies of two (2) of the following documents shall be substituted for it:
      • Social security card
      • Written verification of identity from employer
      • Automobile registration
      • Copy of utility bill showing name and address
      • Checking account deposit slip stating name and address
      • Voter registration card


Birth Certificate Form

Cash or check are the only acceptable forms of payment.
Credit cards are not accepted.

Death Certificates

  • Death Certificates are available in the Town Clerk Office or by mail
  • Please call the Town Clerk office (203) 758-4461 for any questions about death certificates

Death Certificate Form


Dog License


  • All dogs six months and older must be licensed.
  • All dogs three months and older are required to be vaccinated against rabies.
  • All dogs must wear a collar or harness. The license and rabies tags must be attached to such collar or harness at all times.
  • If the license tag becomes lost, you must procure a new tag from your Town Clerk.
  • If the rabies tag becomes lost, you must procure a new tag from the facility in which the dog received the vaccination.
  • A dog without tags will be considered unlicensed and unvaccinated, and fines may be issued.
  • Licenses and rabies tags cannot be used for any dog other than the dog described on the written form.
  • You are liable for any damage caused by your dog to persons, property, livestock or poultry.
  • Dog owners are liable to prosecution for their dog roaming, annoying any person, vicious disposition, annoyance on any public highway, or excessive barking.

All dog licenses expire on June 30th of each year. A new license must be procured from your Town Clerk on or before June 30th each year or a penalty will be imposed.


ONLINE (Online will be available June 1st through July 31st)

  • Once payment is received and necessary information is confirmed, tags will be mailed to you
  • An additional convenience fee of $1.75 will be charged, alone with $.64 for postage
  • For one dog, click "Save" before proceeding to checkout.
  • For multiple dogs, click "Save" then "Add  more items to cart"


  • Mail Application with appropriate documents and check. 
  • New dog tags will be mailed to owners with a current rabies certificate on file.


  • Visit Town Hall, 36 Center ST, Hours: M-F 8:30am - 4:00pm.


  • If your dog was Spayed or Neutered after last year's license, please provide a veterinary Spay/Neuter Certificate
  • The necessary documentation can be mailed or emailed to this office.
  • Tags WILL NOT be mailed before June 1st.

License Fees

  • Altered-Neuter/Spay - $8.00
  • Unaltered - $19.00
  • Kennel License - $51.00
  • Late Fee - $1.00 per month after JUNE 30TH
  • Lost Tag - $.50
  • Other Transfer - $1.00

Required Documents

  • Current Rabies Certificate and if applicable, a Spay/Neuter Certificate from a licensed veterinarian.

Please Provide

  • Email address
  • Phone number 
  • Your dog's microchip #



Fillable Version

Online Renewal / Registration

Marriage License By Appointment Only


In order to apply in Prospect, you must be getting married in Prospect. Each applicant must have a valid government issued photo identification.

Both parties must appear in person to sign the license, under oath, in the presence of one of the office Registrars.

The license is valid for 65 days from the date of application. Applicants do not have to appear at the same time. However, the 65-day period of license validity begins on the first date it is signed.

The fee to obtain a Marriage License is $50. We suggest that couples order and pre-pay an additional $20 for a certified copy, which will be mailed directly to them. A certified copy is required by Social Security and DMV to make a name change. It may also be required to add a spouse to another's health insurance.

Marriage license appointments are available Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; and on Friday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The complete process of application and transcription takes about 20 minutes.

Click on the Marriage License link for more information

Marriage License Form

To schedule an appointment

You must complete the Marriage License Worksheet with all requested information and email it to our office along with copies of valid government issued identification for both parties to

Upon review of your documentation, we will contact you to schedule an appointment. Please include your phone number when submitting your documents.

Helpful Tips…

  • If you plan on a name change, please include your middle name on your license.
  • Please include both first and last names of parents.
  • If you attended college, please indicate how many years.
  • Please complete your Officiator’s information, along with phone number.

If you have any questions while filling out the application, please contact our office at 203-758-4461 or

This office only accepts Cash or Checks.


Sportsmen's Licenses

  • Sportsmen's Licenses are NO LONGER available at the Town Clerk's Office. Connecticut Sportsmen will be able to purchase fishing, hunting and trapping licenses directly over the internet. In addition to licenses, you will also be able order the special permits and tags needed to hunt species like deer, turkeys, migratory birds and pheasants. These Licenses are now available at the link below:

For a list of DEEP Sportsman License Vendors, please visit Here.

Trade Names

A trade name is a fictitious name under which business is transacted, sometimes referred to as “doing business as” or “d/b/a.” A trade name can be registered by: (1) one individual; (2) a group of individuals; or (3) a business organization registered with the Secretary of the State.

A trade name is not a business organization and provides no liability protection itself. It does not protect that business name from use by someone else. A trade name merely provides public notice that an individual or individuals are conducting business under an assumed name or that a business organization is conducting business under a name that is different than the name under which it is registered with the Secretary of the State.

Where to file

A trade name is filed with the local town clerk where the business is primarily transacted. For individuals, this is the address you provide on the trade name application.

Domestic businesses (formed with the CT Secretary of the State), file in the town of your “business address” on file with the Secretary. That is also the address you should list on the trade name application.

Foreign businesses (formed elsewhere but registered with the CT Secretary of the State), use the business’s principal location in CT or, if none, the town of your resident agent.

Fees to file

When you deliver the trade name application to the town clerk, you must pay a $20 filing fee payable to the town clerk.

Trade name forms

The forms below should be used for a trade name filed on or after January 1, 2025. The forms must be hand signed by the applicant(s) and notarized by the town clerk or another notary.

Trade Name Applications (Natural Persons)

Use this form for applications filed by one or more individuals (natural persons). The term “natural persons” is used here to highlight that these are filed by individuals, not business entities (artificial persons).

Trade Name Certificate (Natural Perons)

Trade Name Applications (Business Organizations)

Use this form if you are filing a trade name for a business organization registered with the Secretary of the State. Please verify your business name, business ID/ALEI (authoritative legal entity identifier) and active status using our Business Search tool. The name, business ID, and address should match exactly what you see on The status of the business organization must be active. If the business organization has another status, contact the Secretary of the State Business Services Division to resolve the business status at

Trade Name Certificate (Business Organizations) 

Veterans Discharge

To receive a veteran’s exemption on the assessed value of your real or personal property, you must file your original DD-214 certificate (separation papers from active duty) in the Town Clerk’s office. You must file by September 30th to receive credit on the following year’s tax bill. There is no fee for filing the DD-214.  A certified copy of your DD-214 previously filed with another town is acceptable, if an original is not available.

To qualify, you must have served during a time of war and discharged honorably.

Duplicate copies of DD-214’s may be obtained by contacting the National Personnel Records Center, at 1-(800) 827-1000 and request a Form 180 or you can visit their website at

Unlawful Restrictive Covenants

Connecticut Public Act 2021, No. 21-173 (the “Act”) defines an Unlawful Restrictive Covenant as “a covenant or other provision in an instrument affecting the title to real property that purports to restrict ownership or occupancy of such real property on the basis of race.” The Act declares Unlawful Restrictive Covenants to be VOID.

Effective July 1, 2021: PA 21-173 Section 1 (c) Any owner of real property who identifies an unlawful restrictive covenant in an instrument recorded on the land records that relates to real property owned by such person may file either an affidavit pursuant to section 47-12a of the general statutes, as amended by this act, or a form described in subsection (f) of this section, with the town clerk in the municipality where the real property is located, identifying the existence of such unlawful restrictive covenant. There is no fee to file the completed form or affidavit with the Town Clerk.