
Revaluation Information

Click here to download a copy of the 2024 old to new Revaluation Data

Click here to access the 2024 Property Record Cards

Mission Statement

The Assessor is the governmental official responsible for establishing the value of property for ad valorem tax purposes: for discovering, listing, and valuing all taxable and tax-exempt properties; and to ensure that the individual property owner’s value is proper so that the owner pays no more than their fair share of property tax.

In the performance of these duties, assurance is made that no property escapes the assessment process or is under assessed and that no property owner received unauthorized preferential treatment.

Revaluations are completed every five years in conformity with the Connecticut General Statutes and Revaluation Performance Standards. Development and updating of information is conducted on an ongoing basis, including modernization of computerized records of real estate, personal property and motor vehicles. All duties are performed in compliance with the Connecticut General Statutes.


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Betsy A. Quist
(203) 758-4461

Mailing Address:
Attn: Office of the
Prospect Town Hall
36 Center St
Prospect, CT 06712

Reevaluation 2024

Revaluation has begun in the Town of Prospect for the October 1, 2024 Grand List.  There will be data collectors and photo takers traveling through town for the next few months.  These are photos of them and the make, model & color of their cars.  If you have any questions, please call the Assessor’s Office at 203-758-4461 or email the assessor Betsy Quist at

Please Click the image to view in larger detail



General Assessment Information

The annual Grand List or Assessment Date is October 1st.
In compliance with Connecticut General Statutes the Town of Prospect has completed a real property revaluation as required for the October 1, 2020 Grand List. The first tax bills to reflect the revised assessments will be issued on or about July 1, 2021.

The new 2020 Revaluation assessments can be found by going to eQuality Valuation Service


Tax Relief/Credits

Local Tax Credits for Elderly and Totally Disabled
2024 Information

FOR NEW APPLICANTS: The filing period for tax credits for Elderly and Totally Disabled Homeowners for the 2024 Grand List is From February 1, 2025 through May 15, 2025.

To apply, the applicant must meet age, income limits ($45,200 FOR SINGLE & $55,100 FOR MARRIED), and own and occupy the home. He or she must have been 65 years of age by December 31, 2024 or be totally and permanently disabled before reaching the age of 65. All income must be documented. The maximum income on the local program for single applicants is $67,800.00 and the maximum for married applicants is $82,650.00.

Applicants must show proof of all income received for the 2024 calendar year by supplying a copy of their Federal Income Tax Return. If you do not need to file a return, bring all year end statements and the 2024 Social Security Benefit Statement (Form SSA-1099).

Totally disabled applicants must submit current written proof of their disability and income. Proof of disability can include Social Security, Federal, State or Local government retirement or disability plan, Railroad Retirement Act, or government-related teacher's retirement plan.

The maximum credit under the Town program is $400. It is also based upon percentage of ownership and years as a resident of Prospect. An applicant that meets all requirements and has resided in Prospect for 1-5 years is eligible for $200; if an applicant meets the requirements and has lived in Prospect for 6 or more years, they would be eligible for the $400.

To file an application for the tax credit, the applicant, a relative or agent must come to the Prospect Assessor's Office before the filing period ends on May 15, 2025.

Please call the Prospect Assessor's Office for an appointment, or come to the office during normal business hours of 8:30am to 4:00pm.