Frequently Asked Questions

  • For Tax Office questions, please visit the Tax FAQS here.
  • For Election questions, please visit the Election FAQS here.

1. What are the hours of the Mayor's Office?

The Mayor’s Office is open Monday thru Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

2. Where is Town Hall located?

The Town Hall is located at 36 Center Street, Prospect CT, 06712

** If your GPS is having trouble locating the Prospect Town Hall, please enter Long River Middle School (38 Columbia Ave, Prospect CT, 06712) as your destination into your GPS device. You will notice the Town Hall building on your right as you pull in.

3. Does the Town of Prospect have refuse collection?

No, the Town of Prospect does not have refuse collection. If you would like to have your trash picked up, you will need to contact a third-party refuse collector.

4. Does the Town of Prospect have curbside recycling collection?

Yes, the Town of Prospect does have recycling collection. It is a bi-weekly curbside pick-up. Visit the towns curbside recycling page for more information concerning what is acceptable for curbside recycling and for what day your street is available for pick up. Visit the Town Hall to pick up a recycling bin.

5. Does the Town of Prospect have a bulk recycling center?

Yes, the Town of Prospect has a bulk recycling center for Prospect Residents ONLY. Please visit the mayor’s office to receive a sticker. The hours of operation are Wednesday and Saturdays Only from 8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Please visit the town's bulk recycling page for more information about what is and what is not acceptable to bring. Day passes are also available by request.

6. What do I need to get a bulk recycling center permit?

To get a permit, you must bring the following to the Mayor’s Office:

  • Connecticut Driver’s License.
  • The registration of the vehicle that you would like the permit to be displayed on.
    If you are a new resident to Prospect, and the car is still registered in another town,    however you have paid taxes on it in Prospect, please bring a copy of the registration of  the vehicle, and a current tax bill to verify that you live in town.
  • The sticker must be applied to the automobile or pick up windows.
    For more information, visit the bulk recycling center page.

7. What can I bring to the bulk recycling center?

Please visit Here to find out what is acceptable to bring down to the bulk recycling center.

8. Where is the bulk recycling center located?

The bulk recycling center is located at 157 Plank rd. Prospect, CT 06712

9. How do I receive a marriage license?


In order to apply in Prospect, you must be getting married in Prospect. Each applicant must have a valid government issued photo identification.

Both parties must appear in person to sign the license, under oath, in the presence of one of the office Registrars.

The license is valid for 65 days from the date of application. Applicants do not have to appear at the same time. However, the 65-day period of license validity begins on the first date it is signed.

The fee to obtain a Marriage License is $50. We suggest that couples order and pre-pay an additional $20 for a certified copy, which will be mailed directly to them. A certified copy is required by Social Security and DMV to make a name change. It may also be required to add a spouse to another's health insurance.

Marriage license appointments are available Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM; and on Friday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The complete process of application and transcription takes about 20 minutes.

You must complete the Marriage License Worksheet with all requested information and email it to our office along with copies of valid government issued identification for both parties to

Upon review of your documentation, we will contact you to schedule an appointment. Please include your phone number when submitting your documents.

Helpful Tips…

  • If you plan on a name change, please include your middle name on your license.
  • Please include both first and last names of parents.
  • If you attended college, please indicate how many years.

Please complete your Officiator’s information, along with phone number.

If you have any questions while filling out the application, please contact our office at 203-758-4461 or

This office only accepts Cash or Checks.

10. What is the mill rate for the Town of Prospect?

The mill rate for the 2023 grand list is 32.14

11. How do I access the Prospect land records online?

If you would like to access the Prospect land records online, please visit this link.

12. How do I access Prospect’s online property cards?

If you would like to access the Prospect online property cards, please visit this link.

13. How do I access the Prospect GIS system?

If you would like to access the Prospect GIS System, please visit this link.

14. I would like to get notified when the news and notices are updated or when an agenda is posted, how do I do that?

Go to the Subscribe to Updates page and fill out your name, phone number, address and email and select the boxes from the choices to receive emails when the latest information is posted. Please read all instructions before making your choice.

15. What is the difference between the Assessor’s office and the Tax office?

The Assessors Office values; real estate properties, motor vehicles, and personal property.

The Tax Office collects the monies owed for the properties.

16. How do I apply for a Building Permit?

If you would like to apply for a Building Permit, please click here

17. What is required for a Building Permit?

To find out what is required for a Building Permit, Please view this Document or visit the Building Department Page.

18. What Documentation's are required to access or to get a copy of a birth certificate?

To find out what documents are required to access the birth certificate, please visit the Town Clerks vital statistic section located here.

19. Does the Town of Prospect offer Sportsmen's licenses?

The Town of Prospect NO LONGER offers Sportsmen's licenses. Please visit the Department of Environmental Protection here to purchase available licenses.

20. What are the days that my recycling bin will be picked up?

This is the recycling schedule for the Town of Prospect for 2025. The list is divided into FOUR sections. Find Your Street in the appropriate section and you will see your pick-up dates in the column to the right. The recycling is picked up every two weeks for the entire year. Please place your recyclables out the night before your scheduled pick-up.  Any questions, Please call (203) 758-4461.

21. I want to construct a fence on my property, Do I need a permit?

Please refer and click on this Document, or visit the Land use page under the department tab.

22. Where can I park a RV, sailboat, trailer, recreational vehicle on my property to be in compliance with the zoning regulations?

Please refer to the following Document to be sure you are within the zoning regulations. Parking Regulation

23. What is a Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD)?

Please view this document to explain what a POCD is.