Registration and Voting



  • Polls to be open 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Electors in line by 8:00 pm permitted to vote. (CGS 9-174)
  • July, 23, 2024- Absentee ballots will be available for the Town Clerk.
  • August 5-August 11, 2024
  • August 2, 2024: Deadline for unaffiliated voters who seek to vote during the early voting period before the primary to file an enrollment application with the registrars of voters.
  • There is no Same-Day registration for Primaries.

Early Voting for Primary

  • Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on these days, EXCEPT for August 6 and August 8, when EXTENDED EARLY VOTING HOURS apply from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Location: Town Hal, 36 Center Street, lower level.
  • Individuals who are not registered but want to vote during the early voting period before the primary may do so if they file their voter registration application (for a party holding a primary) with the registrars by noon on the business day before the day they want to vote during such period.


  • Polls to be open 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Electors in line by 8:00 pm permitted to vote. (CGS 9-174)
  • October 4, 2024: Absentee ballots will be available for the Town Clerk.

Early Voting for Election

  • October 21 – November 3, 2024
  • Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on these days, EXCEPT for October 29 & 31, when EXTENDED EARLY VOTING HOURS apply from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Location: Town Hal, 36 Center Street, lower level.

Registration Deadlines for Presidential Election:

October 18, 2024 - registration by mail -- election deadline -- application. In person and mail-in cut-off in ALL towns.

  • Registration session:
  • Hours 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Location: Registrars of Voters Office, Prospect Town Hall, lower level.
  • Those whose rights as to age, citizenship or residence mature after the above date may apply in the office on a daily basis until the opening of the limited session on November 4, 2024, or at such limited session. (9-19b(d)) All mail-in voter registration applications must be received or post-marked by this date in order to be accepted.    This is also the deadline to register to vote using the Online Voter Registration System.    Persons who do not fall into a "matured rights" category may apply for admission in the office between the cut-off date and the opening of the matured rights session, but such applications are not effective until the third day following the date of the election.  (9-19g) Final date to apply for cross-town admission.  Actual approval by town of residence may occur after this date.  (9-19e) Last day for an elector to make a signed written request to the registrars of voters for erasure of his name from the registry list.  (9-35b) 2023, and if the applicant is otherwise qualified, the registrar approves the application on November 6th, adds the new elector's name to the list and the new elector may vote in the election on November 7th. If a notice of approval is later returned undelivered, registrars must proceed with confirmation of voting residence notice under Sec. 9-35 or Sec. 9-43 and may challenge applicant at polls. (Sec. 9-23g(d)(2))


  • Session of Registrars of Voters to admit those seeking to vote in election whose qualification as to age, citizenship or residence was attained since October 31st.  Registrars of Voters must be in their office during this time.  Hours:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  (Sec. 9-17).
  • SERVICEMEN – SPECIAL SESSIONS. Admitting official, on written request received at any time prior to 5:00 p.m. on this date, may admit as electors members of armed forces and former members of armed forces discharged within the calendar year immediately preceding such request, if found qualified.  (9-25) Applications from servicemen and persons out of the country may be received throughout the day.  (9-25 and 9-26)


In Person or by Mail:  Complete a voter registration card. Return it by mail or in person to the Registrars of Voters office. Voter registration cards are also available at Public Libraries, Social Service Agencies, Motor Vehicle Offices, the Registrars of Voter's Office, or the Town Clerk’s Office. 

 Online: Register online by clicking Here

Already Registered?  Check the  Secretary of the State’s Voter Registration page to find out if you are currently registered to vote and your polling location.



Age:  Must be 18 by Election Day; 17-year-olds, who will turn 18 on or before Election Day, may vote in a primary of a party held for such regular Election. (CGS 9-431)

Residency:  Must be a resident of Prospect

Felony Convictions: Voting privileges are restored upon the release from confinement.



In Person: Vote on Election Day at your polling location. Go to the designated polling location for your voting district to cast your ballot. If you do not know your polling location, contact the Registrars of Voters Office at (203) 758-4461. 

Absentee Ballots: This process is handled by the Town Clerk’s office. The Voter must request an application first and if the requirements are met, the voter will receive an absentee ballot. This can be done all in one day, in person, at City Hall; or by mail. 

Permanent Absentee Ballots: Effective January 1, 2013, voters with permanent disabilities may be eligible for permanent absentee ballot status. The voter must file an absentee ballot application together with a doctor's certificate on the physician's letterhead stating that they have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at the polling location. Once this is received, absentee ballots will be sent to the voter for each election they would be eligible to vote. Permanent absentee ballot status is confirmed by the registrars each January according to state law. (§ 9-140e) 

Voters with Disabilities:  Each polling place has an Assisted Voting system available. This enables any voter to access an audio or touch screen ballot. Polling locations are handicap accessible and election officials are trained to assist voters with mobility issues. Curbside voting is available for voters with temporary or last-minute illness or difficulties.